Creator, Tantric, Art, & Music

Mental Health Vegan

Mental Health – Spirituality – Veganism – Art

This channel is dedicated to my life purpose of sharing my experience with Mental Health through education, spirituality, art, & music

My name is Eddie Q

My Story

My story is of the human condition and understanding that we all experience the highs and lows of growth. I am an Army Veteran, former infantry scout. I have seen my share of torment in this world and seek peace. Through years of education & therapy, I have learned to master my temperance in order to achieve my goals. Though the journey is paradoxal, growth often involves losing what no longer matches your vibration. True centeredness is to know yourself. To conquer the shadow self. I have attended therapy for more than 13 years and understand the pandemic that sweeps the world. That is where spirituality and cosmic cycles come in.

Life comes with lessons. I am a survivor of abuse, war, narcissists, & PTSD. I have learned about many mental disorders thanks to careful guidance and education through therapy. I understand that when someone acts up in a hurtful manner, it is trauma. Everyone is inherently good deep down, it is the trauma talking and compassion is the best route to be open to understanding, forgiveness, and healing.

I have been studying spirituality since 1997. The first routes I took were in Buddhism & Wicca. However, the journey led me to find my native roots and to search deeper. Moon cycles, cosmic alignment, & meditation have helped me find deeper meanings than my ancestry. I have found that all of the information of the universe resides within all of us; that reality is one being split into many, having a co-created experience. Tapping into this knowledge gives me access to intuitive insight and tools to express knowledge. Myself and many are helping raise the collective vibration of the earth in the face of adversity.

My veganism is a personal choice. I love animals, value my health, and believe in environmental sustainability for the planet’s future. I support the advances in today’s veganism because it not only improves our health, it reduces emissions and is more sustainable in the days to come. It is not for everyone and should be a choice that is not forced upon anyone.

Tarot & Readings

Card & Natal Chart readings as well as energy forecasts. Esoteric knowledge and Cosmic Cycles. Healing work. In person or online.


Promoting healthy choices for personal health, love of animals, and environmental sustainability

Mental Health

Sharing my experience with therapy & education to bring compassion & understanding. Learning that we all have the human condition will help us help each other


I am starting a video series on YouTube and exclusive videos for dedicated followers. These videos will consist of energy readings and education.

I want to educate people that mental health is real and we should treat everyone with compassion. The importance of education helps us not take mental health reactions personally.

Help me obtain the ability to livestream by subscribing to my YouTube channel

Help me reach 1000 followers on Tiktok so I can start a livestream
