Creator, Tantric, Art, & Music

Be Free, Express, Know Yourself 1111


Eddie Q

I have embraced a tantric state of being. This body is the vessel and and experience that familiarizes me with the concept of this reality. I share and bear the water from the source to flow naturally and quench the thirst of humanity. Willingly, I walk in all my authenticity and express myself in so many ways; from art & music to the unseen. I provide “energetic services” as well.


My website is a place for everyone. May you find inspiration and peace.

Visit my Eternal Shop for Art & More

My Channels

5D Rebirth

@5D Rebirth

A channel dedicated to my life purpose of sharing my experience in life. My purpose is to raise the positivity in the world by advocating for mental health, and sharing my intuitive insight of cosmic cycles and energy.

I am also promoting veganism and healthy, holistic healing.

Connect on Social Media

Check out Eternal Night in San Diego!

Eternal Night is a channel for neo dark music, art, and expression.

We feature Livestreams & DJs, & musicians with genres that range from Industrial, EBM, synthwave, aggrotech, darksynth, trance, 8-bit, and much more!

Latest Activity

  • Profile photo of Eddie Q

    Eddie Q posted an update 2 weeks ago

    Starting a podcast! We just had our first meeting this week an it went really well!

  • Profile photo of Eddie Q

    Eddie Q posted an update 7 weeks ago

    The big shift is here. Especially for Aquariusesesesss lol. Our subconscious is healing and we have already walked into a new reality existence. Things will never be the same again. They’ll be better!


Latest Posts


New Moon 8-8 Portal Energy Forecast August 2021

So if you haven't felt it by now, this has been a time of rediscovery of ourselves. Disharmonies within ourselves…
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First Post – Starting up my Blog

Oi! First post! Opening up this news feed to start some momentum in this quantum field. I will post as…
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Photoshoots, Art, Cosplay, SFX Makeup, Events, Friends, & more

How May I Help You?

I have channeled many abilities in this life. These are the services people have requested over the years.

Tarot & Readings

Card & Natal Chart readings as well as energy forecasts. Esoteric knowledge and Theology. Healing work. In person or online.


I really love to spin Gothic Industrial & Synthwave genres as well as 80s. Also experienced with running small events.

Donate & help me rise

With Your help, I can rise above the hardships, recover, and rebuild what was lost. As a combat veteran, the past 13 years have been challenging for me. Now, after more than a decade of therapy, I am starting over. Thank you in advance!

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